Category: Past Events

  • Age Friendly University/CEAL Lecture Series

    Age Friendly University/CEAL Lecture Series

    On October 13, 2022, SDSU held the first Age-Friendly University (AFU) lecture hosted by CEAL. Kim Gallo, County of San Diego’s Director of Aging & Independence Services spoke about the changing demographics and how San Diego State University can make a difference in the lives of older adults. Click HERE to view the photo gallery

  • California for ALL Ages & Abilities

    California for ALL Ages & Abilities

    On September 22, 2022, Steve Hornberger and Michelle Matter attended California for ALL Ages & Abilities: Day of Action in Sacramento. The event highlighted the work of the state’s Master Plan for Aging.

  • OSHER and CEAL Welcome Back Event

    OSHER and CEAL Welcome Back Event

    On August 11, 2022, CEAL partnered with the SDSU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute on a welcome back to school event for older adults in the community. Speaking at the event, SDSU President Adela de la Torre said she prioritized this population. Click here to view photos from the event.

  • CEAL Healthnet Seniors Launch

    CEAL Healthnet Seniors Launch

    A new partnership between CEAL and Wellcare By Health Net provides seniors with a holistic approach to navigating the current and emerging challenges faced by older adults and their families. These barriers include social determinants of health, social isolation, and the need to return to a focus on general health and wellness following the COVID-19…