Supporting Student Caregivers

By Fernando Reyes, Workforce Development Manager

At San Diego State University (SDSU), being an age-friendly university means more than just a commitment to inclusivity; it’s about actively supporting caregivers at every stage of life. If you’re a student juggling academic demands with caregiving responsibilities, the challenges are real and often overwhelming. 

In the U.S., approximately 48 million people are caregivers, and among them, an estimated 14 million are under the age of 24. This growing trend reflects a significant shift in caregiving responsibilities toward younger individuals, many of whom are managing this demanding role alongside their educational pursuits.

Young caregivers face a range of challenges that can severely impact their well-being. The burden of unpaid caregiving often means that these young people are forced to forgo self-care, leading to significant physical, psychological, and financial stress. Family caregivers are at a higher risk of experiencing anxiety, depression, and social isolation. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the situation was even more alarming. Research shows that caregivers were three times more likely than non-caregivers to exhibit symptoms of anxiety or depression, six times more likely to have started or increased substance use, and nine times more likely to have contemplated suicide. Alarmingly, these risks were even higher among the youngest caregivers aged 18-24. 

National efforts to support student caregivers are gaining traction, but identifying and supporting these individuals remains a challenge. At the college level, nearly 40% of student caregivers do not disclose their dual roles to advisors or professors. This lack of disclosure can stem from a perceived stigma or a lack of understanding from peers and faculty. By recognizing and addressing the unique needs of student caregivers, colleges can help alleviate their stress and improve their overall engagement and success in academia.

CEAL is committed to supporting our student caregivers by providing free caregiver training courses, peer support, and resources to alleviate some of the challenges they face. Our goal is to foster a supportive environment that recognizes and values their contributions, ensuring they have the tools and community they need to succeed.